Website Design & Development

Turn your vision (ideas) into reality with our beautiful and functional website designs, tailored to your specific requirements.

Just for the sake of cost cutting often businesses are opting for pre-made website templates and themes for designing their website leading to an increase in the number of ineffective and unappealing sites. Exactly here, Globedge as a leading website development and web design company in Australia has rich experience of reliable website development services that add value and help businesses to make a difference in their online market.
In both brand new responsive web design or maintenance of existing sites, Globedge follows a standard procedure beginning with understanding the website concept, idea and target audience followed by planning, content design, data architecture, user experience model, HTML development, CMS integration, testing, review and launch. For every custom website development project, Globedge levies highest focus on rich content, easy navigability, faster page load speed, adding call to action, well designed landing pages, infographics and videos as keys to reduce bounce rates. Globedge has records of designing both static and CMS websites. Globedge's in-house team of web developers are experienced with the following bleeding edge technologies for seamless execution of their web design and development services.

● Programming languages - Javascript, Coffeescript, Python, Ruby, PHP, Go, Objective C, Swift and Java.
● Browser - Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer .
● Frameworks - Bootstrap, Node.js, Django, Cordova, Phonegap, Wordpress, Foundation, Drupal, .NET, Backbone.js, Ember.js and Angular.js.
● Libraries - Underscore and jQuery.
● Database - MongoDB, Redis, PosgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle and SQL Server.
● Protocols - REST, DDP and HTTP.
● Data formats - JSON, XML and CSV.

For website security, Globedge levies continuous focus on updating software, installing SSL, using HTTPs, preventing SQL attacks, avoiding file upload by users and integrating strong passwords.

Let your business experience the best of website design and development services now with Globedge. We would love to help you.

Please contact us via below form for more info
